Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Apparently Women Laugh Harder than In Men

When you hang out with male friends and they made a joke, if you are the last laugh? If this happens, do not get angry or upset when my male friends say that you are a bit 'old'. Because it was true.

According to research by a team of scientists from Stanford University, women need more time to understand the joke that he expressed. Even when he had finished laughing, she laughed even harder.

That's because more women than men use brain when processing information delivered through jokes. According to the study, tend to be more difficult to make a woman laugh than to make men laugh.

Research involved ten men and ten women. They were shown pictures and sketches black and white cartoon shaped funny. During the process, their brains scanned (scan) for brain mapping. Mapping was conducted to determine how long the parts of the brain are activated when responding to a joke.

From the mapping of the brain known to women tend to be more active than the male brain in response to a joke. Active parts of the brain including the pre-frontal cortex, which plays a major role in a person's language skills.

"The study found women are more likely to respond that narrative jokes and wordplay than a crude joke," said Professor Allan Reiss of Stanford University as quoted by the Daily Mail.

It also explains the different attitudes of men and women in response to a joke. According to Reiss, as she is shown an increasingly funny cartoons, part of the brain called the nucleus accumbens more active and this is not the case in men.

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