Minggu, 09 Desember 2012



The largest size is 30 x 60 M. with a bat and a free space to 30 x 65 M. The smallest size of 30 x 45 M. with a bat and a free space to 30 x 50 M. large size for big kids, small to medium sized small children or girls.

All boundary lines expressed with lime, or a rope, or bar. It can also be a way of digging with the terms of no more than 3 cm. on all four corners and the middle of the field at the side lines attach flag. Tall flagpole at least 1:50 M from the ground. In the game, outside the line (boundary) there must be a vacant lot with a width of at least 5 M, was out of line to the left of 10 M. spectators should be outside the vacant land.

Wood bat

Wood bats are made of wood that are between 50-60 cm. Sectional round eggs (oval), width not more than 5 cm, and 3.5 cm thick. Handle between 15-20 cm long, 3 cm thick, and be wrapped.

Wood bats can be elliptical, with a thickness between 3.5 to 4 cm, and the length of the grip is the same before. Wood bats can not be replaced with metal or other objects. Each team justified its use wood bats, respectively, qualify origin mentioned above.


The ball used is baseball, and made of rubber or leather, the size of the circle between 19-20 cm, and weighs between 70-80 grams. The ball is too high it bounce like a tennis ball is not good for baseball. The best is not about] alu chewy and not too loud.

Rules of play in a baseball game

Long play

Old baseball game at least 2 X 20 minutes and for ever 30 minutes, not starting a 10 minute break.


Each team consists of 12 players. One was appointed (captain) team. All players wear chest numbers clearly visible. Before the game started, the captain handed a list of names of players with serial number to the referee. 's Turn to hit the ball by the order number. During a sequence number should not be changed. The referee allows the replacement of a player.


Led the match referee. He must hold firm rules of the game and keep the rules are followed carefully by players. Guidelines and decision is an absolute should be adhered to.

The values ​​recorded by a writer who is assisted by one, and under the supervision of referee. The author and her maid standing outside the field, close to the boundary between the bat dun free space.

Place of players

Before the match begins, the referee held lotteries to determine which team will be the team hitter or team field. (Similarly, the suit can draw).

Team bat

Bat team gathered in the free space. After the called number by the authors, bat took place in the central square, and ready to hit.

Field Team

Varsity field occupies the place that had been predetermined by the team leader. They justified stand anywhere outside or inside the field, provided that:

    should not be standing in free space,
    there should not be another player in the beater room, except life jacket and his assistant,
    straight road into a pole and a hitter can not help dirintang.


When the bat pointing somewhere bounce balls, life jacket must comply. If the bat does not refer to the place bounce, the ball must be struck qualified. Bat may not ask bounce the ball outside (through the line at) space at.

The number of blows

Each member of the team and the hitter is entitled: one shot only. Liberator is a team player and hitter who gets a turn at hitting the other team members were standing in a circle pole or pole-free relief. It gets right to hit 3 times.

Gets value

A hitter will get a value of 2, if he can escape from the bat to the pole freely and return safely to the free space, the punch itself.

If traveling back to the free space is done in 2 or 3 parts safely and shot well, the runners will get a value of 1.

Each member of the field team will have a value of 1 if it can perform a one-time catch the ball. If at the end of the match both teams the same amount of value is large, then the team who scored the highest were declared victorious run.

Leaving free space

Exit and free space with the intention to play (there are allegations of an exchange is not free), is not justified. The penalty for this violation, declared "free exchange".

Catch the ball

Every ball was hit, and can be captured by the player before the land court, expressed as catching the ball, and the catcher gets the value 1.

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