Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Meaning of Citizenship

The term stateless means that membership shows the relationship or bond between the state and citizens. Citizenship means any kind of relationship with a country that resulted in the state's obligation to protect those concerned. As according to the Citizenship Act of the Republic of Indonesia, are all matters of citizenship associated with the state.
Definition of citizenship can be divided into two, as follows:
a. Citizenship in the sense of juridical and sociological
- Citizenship in the sense indicated by the juridical anatara legal bond with the people.
- Citizenship in the sociological sense, not marked with the legal bond, but the bond emosionak, such ikartan feelings, offspring bond, a bond of fate, historical ties and bonds homeland.
b. Citizenship in the sense of formal and material.
- Citizenship in the sense of formal show where citizenship. In the systematics of law, citizenship is on public law.
- Citizenship in the sense of material showing on the legal effect of citizenship, namely the rights and obligations of citizens.

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