Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


• Example of narrative reportIn the 1980s, IBM became the seller of personal computers (PC) and unparalleled success. IBM offers the brand, quality, security, and trust. At that time IBM gained 70% of the world computer industry profits.However, when consumers begin to realize that the PC made by IBM is not much different from the PC made by companies other then began to think why consumers should pay more to the IBM brand if the quality is not much different. The 90's began to appear artificial PC brands that lead IBM profits declined from 55% in 1990 to 38% in 1993.Eventually IBM brand down from the throne and just being in third. In 1994, IBM approached the value of negative profits and nearly fell into the abyss. Though IBM is the ruler of information technology over the past two decades.

• Sample reports Descriptionthe sun began to bite the skin when herd bull was moving into grasslands. Meanwhile, in the back - in the distance - the sound of a gong bambo mengiring animals were kept pounding. Doors Leuweung Sancang Reserve - woods where the buffalo should stay, stay a few feet away when suddenly the bull startled and turned to then disappear into the forest reserve, original hiding place.This is the day increment accompaniment bull in South Garut fails, Wednesday, March 20 last. TVRI journalists who covered accompaniment, it is said, without the knowledge of the team escort bull muzzle pointing the camera in such a way that the bulls were shocked. And has been since the dawn escort team - which include members Polsus Forest Protection and Nature protection - to accompany the animal.• Sample reports ExpositionCooking begins with selecting milkfish milkfish are still fresh. So that generated a savory aroma of fish dishes and enjoy its taste, which will be processed milkfish have chosen a good fish and not wilted. Good fish can be identified by the bright eyes (not dull), skin / sisknya rough and not slimy, mud odorless or smell dead fish.Fish that had been believed to be good for cooked it further washed up really clean, then swiped his stomach with a sharp knife to removed dirt. Uses of a sharp knife inserted in order not to damage daginggnya. Fish that have been split and have clean bowels should not be exposed to water Because it can affect the taste after being cooked.

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