Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


The desire to read is there, but the desire to take the time to read is still lacking. This is because they do not have enough time for this membaca.kondisi membudidaya in Indonesian society. They prefer to get information instantly, is to obtain information quickly without having long-tele.Seebenarnya, reading problems can be solved if we have the skills to read fast. The key to speed reading is the realization that not every word printed in the book should be read and not reading it in detail to be studied.

There are two speed reading techniques you need to understand, namely:
1. Pelayapan (skimming) is an effort to take the essence of a reading form the main idea / detail is important. The main idea or essential details can be located at the beginning, middle, or end.
2. Scanning (scanning) is a speed reading techniques to obtain information without reading the others, directly to the issues sought in the form of specific facts or information, such as finding a phone number, look up the word in the dictionary, index, TV shows, and the like.

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