Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


a. Vocal
Vocals come from word voce (Italian) voice (English) meaning sound produced organs of living things
b. Music instrumental
Music the sound source is not derived from living things, but it comes from the music instrument that produces sound.

The function of traditional and modern music
Traditional is used during ceremonies, weddings, religious, etc.
Modern is used for entertainment
Based on the style and flow
The appeal of pop music is not limited to language and culture, pop music is entertaining, memorable and pleasant

Is a combination of Malay and Indian music. Type of music emerged in the 1970s. The word comes from the sound of the drum dangdut, the signature is commonly used in the dangdut performances tablak
An instrument orchestra music, known in some parts of Indonesia. Like the island of Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Borneo mostly gamelang device comprises at music instrument, like a gong
keroncong orchestra is influenced by the Portuguese music. Keroncong term probably derived from the Portuguese word (crouco) which means small
In the 1950's started to sound kind of new pop music, songs rocn n roll has mggebu the passionate rhythms and lyrics that are suitable for young people. This music evolved from traditional blues kind rhytme played by black musicians in the United States.
The tools are grouped five music groups:
Ideofon source of sound coming from the instrument itself
Aerofon source of sound coming from the vibrating air
Membranofon noise source comes from tabunan
Ordofon noise source comes from strings
Electron sound comes from the power source.

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