Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

how to make a frame from old paper

a little creative and unique imagination of artistic inspiration you might be more in need in making crafts from waste paper, this time crafting with How To Make Frame Of Paper Used
The following is a bit of a simple hand-crafted work of waste paper, who knows of goods is becoming less useful high value after finding a touch of art to your work,

How to make a flower out of Straws

Hi .. I'll see you again, now I want to review how to make flowers out of straw.
There are 2 ways to make flowers out of Straws:
1. In stacking overlap, such as roses, tulips, orchids, lilies, trumpet flowers and small flowers, such as the example in this web of cherry blossoms.
2. In sewing with wire, usually flowers medium and large, for example, chrysanthemum, lotus etc..

sense acceleration

When you watch the MotoGP race, consider the speed racer when in a straight line. When in a straight line, the riders moving at faster and faster. However, while in turn, reduces the rate of motorcycle riders. What do you call this velocity addition and subtraction? Find the answer below.
1. Definition of Acceleration
In everyday life, we are always moving from one place to another. As explained before, when moving from one place to another, we have a certain speed.

ten-finger typing

Hello ... "this time I will write about how to type faster using 10 fingers. Typing is an activity or work performed and wrote something to convey a word or phrase into a paper (typewriter) or screen (computer or laptop) , is now fast typing a thing or activities required to support the day-to-day work in order to finish quickly. therefore we must continue to learn and practice typing dengna way jari2 familiarize you to press a certain key on the keyboard.
Here are tips to type quickly using 10 fingers.


The island of Bali is one of Indonesia's famous flagship tourist all over the world for its natural beauty and culture. Almost every day there is a group of local Tourist / domestic and foreign who flocked to the island of Adults to travel, the number of tourists will increase in the holiday season. One of the guests that frequent reception procession was staged Pendet.
History / origins Pendet

ecological pyramid

is the picture between trophic arrangement can be structured based on population density, dry weight, and the ability to store energy at each trophic. Trophic structure can be arranged in the order corresponding relationship between eating and being eaten trophic generally shows a cone or pyramid shape. Ecological pyramid serves to indicate comparative picture between trophic levels in an ecosystem. At the first level occupied by manufacturers as the basis of the ecological pyramid, then primary consumers, secondary, tertiary to the top of the consumer. [1] [2]

scale and unit

Magnitude in physics is defined as something that can be measured,
and has a value of the (big) and the units. While the unit is
something that can be used as a comparison in measuring.
International Units (SI) is a unit of conference proceedings scientists
in Paris, to discuss about the weight and size. based on
scale units are divided into two, namely the amount of principal and
scale derivatives. In addition, based on the presence or absence of the direction, magnitude too
grouped into two scalar quantities and vector quantities (to be
specifically addressed in Section E)

6 Secrets of a Successful Entrepreneur

1. reason

Find a good reason why you want to become entrepreneurs. Is it because of difficult to find a job, or want to experience being a boss, may also want to earn unlimited income. The reason can be anything, most of the stronger your reasons for berwirusaha the more you focus on your goals.

2. Confidence Strong

You must have a strong and positive beliefs. For example, you believe that you can become a successful entrepreneur, or self-employment was easy as long as we know how. Positive beliefs like that you have to get up. Do not let the negative that it dominates your thoughts. such as: I am afraid of failure, it is necessary entrepreneurial talent, etc.. Negative thoughts like that you should get rid of it away



Under legislation - 1945 constitution of the Republic of Indonesia government system is as follows:
1. Indonesian state based on law, not by power alone.2. System of government based on the constitution (basic law) non-absolutism (unlimited power)3. State power in the hands of the supreme deliberative assembly of the people.4. The President is the supreme organizer of the State government under MPR. In running state government power and responsibility are prsiden hands.5. The President is not accountable to Parliament. The President must be approved by parliaments in shaping legislation - legislation and to set a budget and state spending.6. Minister of State is a presidential aide who appoint and dismiss ministers of State. Minister of State is not responsible to Parliament.7. Head of the State unlimited powers. the president should pay attention to it
Really effort DPR

Understanding Martyrdom or Husnul Khitmah

Signs Husnul Khitmah much has been concluded by the scholars with research on related texts. Here we describe some of these signs, if only for the dying martyr who died on the battlefield alone? Surely not. There are three kinds of Martyrdom, namely:
Shahid 1.Mati world hereafter, (soldiers who died in battle in defense of the religion of God).
Shahid 2.Mati Hereafter, (Dead due, childbirth, drowning, abdominal pain, crushed stone or the like, accidents etc.).
3.Mati Syahi World (soldier killed in combat with the intention of defending the religion of Allah and expects booty).

Traditional Musical Drum (Kendang)

Drum is a musical instrument traditional musical instruments are played by being hit as well as percussion. Drum made ​​of wood with a membrane (membrane), and also shared some parts drum, small drum called a tambourine, medium and large drum called redap.
For drum sounds, simply use the hand or paddle drum.
Photo drum / drums

Basic techniques of basketball games

How to hold basketball is the attitude of the hands forming a large bowl. The ball was in between both hands. Inherent palms beside the ball slightly to the back, fingers splayed attached to the ball. Thumb is close to the body in the back of the ball facing toward the front center. Both legs forming the horses with one foot in front. Body slightly forward and knees relaxed.
In catching the ball must be taken to ensure that the ball is in control. The ball was picked up palm with fingers outstretched and wrists relaxed. When the ball go between his palms, fingers immediately attached to the ball and pulled back or follow the direction of the ball. Catch the ball (catching ball) consists of two kinds of ways to catch the ball above his head and caught the ball in front of his chest.
Pass or throw the ball consisted of three ways: throwing the ball from the top of the head (over head pass), throw the ball from the front of the chest (chest pass) made from chest to chest quickly in the game, and threw the ball bounced off the ground or floor ( bounce pass).
Dribbling the ball (dribbling ball) is an attempt to bring the ball forward. The way is by bouncing the ball on the floor with one hand. When the ball moves into the palm of the hand stick on the ball and follow the direction of the ball. Press the ball when it reaches its highest point toward the bottom with a bit of elbow straightening the wrist followed by spasticity. Dribble the basketball game can be divided into two ways, namely dribble low and high dribble. Low dribble aimed at protecting the ball out of reach of the opponent. High dribble made to hold fast to the attack the opponent's defense.

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


  Open a new document, the size you please setinglah white background color. Type the text of your choice later at will. Here the authors write MULTIMEDIA with red filling.

  Next go to the menu Layer> Rasterize> Type. Then the menu Filter> Noise> Add Noise follow the following properties, (Amount: 7, then select Uniform and Monochromatic)

Your text effect can be modified in such a way with a variety of textures available in Photoshop, follow the steps below.
1. Open Photoshop, create a new file with the size you want, here is my take on the size (width = 60 cm, and height = 60 cm) with a white background color. Type the text as you please and fill the text with the color brown (like a rock).

2. next, choose the menu Filter> Noise> Add Noise
Rasterize text when prompted, click OK with, then set its properties,
(Amount 16 - mark panel Gaussian and Monochromatic)


Lighting is a fundamental part of a television program or video production. Without proper lighting so the camera can not produce a clear and accurate picture. Lighting also merupakaan creative part in a television or video production, as a result of the image can be captured by the camera in accordance with a certain atmosphere is completely determined from a lighting job.
  In general, the functions of existing lighting 2, namely:
Lighting as lighting
  Functions are only limited lighting illuminates the scene / object that can be seen.
Lighting lighting sebahai


Haiy friends ... I want to experience the story of me,,,
On Sunday, exactly on September 23, 2012,,, me and my friends, go on holiday in ammani, one shelter my friend, we were invited there to eat ice coconut, there is very exciting and beautiful as my friend's house right lane beach, after we peel the coconut and mix it with ice and syrup, we immediately eat it,, DELICIOUS!!! Thirst disappeared immediately, and drink ice course we are not satisfied, finally we were offered again by the parents of our friends to burn the fish, because we were all starving we finally accept it gladly, swiftly us directly meyalahkan fire and be burned fish, while waiting for the fish cook, we even joked together. After a few minutes, the fish was cooked, we immediately took the rice and fish meal together ... once we were satisfied we went down to the ocean to play together, that day I was so happy!!! Wonderful Sunday


If your friends want to vacation at the end of pecans?? But you do not want to know where, I have a suggestion for your vacation with family. Pinrang sub lembang dikarawa precisely located approximately 50 km from the city center there are Pinrang waterfall baths Karawa magnificent, crystal clear water and the view is still very natural, making kepengatan due to tiring journey, deleted already, air sesejuk morning dew can treat any existing stuffy.